Introduction To Dissolved Air Flotation machine


Dissolved Air Flotation machine is a machine that uses small bubbles to create impurities on the surface of a medium. Air flotation devices can be used for some small particles contained in water bodies, with a specific gravity similar to that of water, as their own weight is difficult to sink or float.

Dissolved Air flotation machine is a dissolved air system that generates a large number of small bubbles in water, causing air to adhere to suspended particles in the form of highly dispersed micro bubbles, resulting in a density lower than that of water. By utilizing the principle of buoyancy, it floats on the water surface to achieve solidification. Air flotation machines are divided into high-efficiency shallow air flotation machines, eddy current air flotation machines, and horizontal flow air flotation machines. Currently applied in water supply, industrial wastewater, and urban sewage


(1) Inject air into the water to generate small bubbles, causing the small suspended solids in the water to adhere to the bubbles and float to the water surface with the bubbles, forming scum, achieving the goal of removing suspended solids in the water and improving water quality.

(2)The influencing factors of air flotation and the measures to improve the air flotation effect. The smaller the diameter and quantity of bubbles, the better the air flotation effect; Inorganic salts in water can accelerate the rupture and merging of bubbles, reducing the effectiveness of air flotation; Coagulants can promote the coagulation of suspended solids, causing them to adhere to bubbles and float upwards; Flotation agents can be added to convert the surface of hydrophilic particles into hydrophobic substances, which attach to bubbles and float with them.


Characteristics of Dissolved Air Flotation machine:

 1. Large processing capacity, high efficiency, and small footprint.

 2. The process and equipment structure are simple, easy to use and maintain.

 3. Can eliminate sludge bulking.

 4. Aeration into the water during air flotation has a significant effect on removing surfactants and odors from the water. At the same time, aeration increases the dissolved oxygen in the water, providing favorable conditions for subsequent treatment.

 5. For low temperature, low turbidity, and algal rich water sources, using air flotation can achieve good results.

Post time: Apr-15-2023